• How do you respond when someone you love has cancer?

    1. When I found out my Mom had cancer I didn’t know what to do. So I hid and cried after I got my wits about me I prayed the God would lead me through this. I prayed that he would guide me and help me help my Mom and my family. And he did, in the last week she cleaned out her heart and not only was she not afraid but she was at peace. That is what I hold on to every day, I know where she is and I will see her again.
    2. I was mad; I was so dam mad that this could happen to someone so good. Someone so loving to everyone. Then I was scared because I didn’t know what I could do. So I called my best friends and they came to my side, they were strong for all of us.
    3. Well I knew I had to be strong, I knew I needed to be that rock of faith. Because if I was strong she would be strong and not afraid. Did it hurt? Yes it did but this was about her not me.
    4. I was tearful and empathetic, but quickly began thinking of ways I can help.
    5. At first there is disbelief….. “are you sure you’re talking about MY child?”  Is this MY fault? What should I have done differently raising you?