
sailboatatsunsetThe Cruise Through Cancer Foundation is a Non Profit Corporation “DLN: 26053721002186” born out of frustration and pain in 2015. The Foundation provides opportunities to families – big or small, rich or poor – going through the battle with cancer to have a break, and recharge the batteries. The foundation does this in five ways:

1.  Family Cruises :  The Foundation teams those fighting cancer with people that own boats, planes, motor homes, campsites, vacation homes and time shares. Recipients that are in the battle can spend time on the water for an enjoyable evening, or a weekend away on a time share or campground. It could be they just need to fly somewhere or get in a motor-home and travel to see family. Due to the foundation support, this costs the families nothing. Our Fleet of currently 212 boats is full of volunteers with loving hearts that just want to reach out and help people get through this fight. Our volunteers come from all walks of life; many have been touched by cancer. With loving hearts our members are reaching out to help.


  1. Family Evenings:  The Foundation hosts dinner events where recipients and their families can go to a nice place, join other families fighting cancer, and all enjoy a very nice meal with entertainment at no cost to them. A chance for a husband and wife to sneak away and reconnect for the night. To remember what they are fighting for, to feel normal and to share the support of so many other people going through the same thing.
  2. Youth Camps:  One long-term goal of the Foundation is to establish week-long camps across the country for kids fighting cancer at no charge to families. Camps where children can enjoy fun events with other children experiencing similar challenges. Where they can have time with counselors and learn how to set goals and deal with the journey they are on.
  3. Our Family support network:  The foundation has a growing membership of people that have been through this battle. We team up Cancer Survivors with families that are entering this journey now. When a family needs help they don’t get a counselor that has read about this, we team them up with someone who has lived it.  A survivor that knows every step and what will come next. A mentor or coach to help lead Recipients through this journey. The foundation also connects the families that are in the struggle with people that will go to their homes and help with everything from cooking to shopping. At no cost to the families fighting cancer.
  4. Financial services and help: There are so many good groups out there that raise money to help find a cure for cancer. The Cruise Through Cancer foundation is focusing on helping the families that are fighting cancer to live without losing what they have. Our family services we will step in and help with house payments, medical costs, medicine, school, every day bills that need to be met but in so many cases are not because of the crippling costs people run in to just trying to make it from day to day. Many people lose everything because of cancer. That is what sets us aside from the rest. We are here to help the people in the battle stay afloat; the stress this can take off a family goes a long way to helping them beat cancer. Our goal is to improve the life of the people fighting cancer so they can stay the course and win.