• What was the worst part of telling your family?

    1. The part that tour my heart out was thinking how can I tell them and be strong, how can I hide the fear that I had. I found that as soon as I started I had a room full of people around me holding me and I was not afraid any more, I was not alone and I did not have to be strong by myself, I have my family support.
    2. I didn’t think I could tell them, I didn’t know what to say or how to answer any questions they may have. So I called a friend that I could trust and we worked on this so when I did tell them I was ready and could answer the questions. I am glad I did that because from them on I know how to look in to the questions and find the answers.
    3. I was afraid that if I told them I would be alone, that somehow people would shun me or not know how to talk to me. I found that some people did slowly fade out but many more came to my side. I just needed to have the courage to talk and let them know what was going on.
    4. The uncertainty.